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Ontario Centre of Innovation

Ready 4 Market fund

Ready 4 Market (R4M) is Ontario’s leading pre-seed investment fund. Through the fund, OCI co-invests with angel and other investors in early-stage Ontario-based start-ups with competitive IP commercializing transformative technologies to support their growth into scalable businesses. This investment de-risks the opportunity, helps the start-up become investor and customer ready, and attracts private sector co-investment and follow-on investment.  

About the Fund

On behalf of the government of Ontario, Ready 4 Market supports Ontario-based early-stage technology companies that are raising pre-seed and seed investment rounds. Investments are up to $250,000 and total round sizes range from $500,000 to $2 million. R4M is a competitive co-investment fund, with hundreds of companies considered for funding closing around 20 investments each year. Investment criteria includes a minimum addressable market size of $100M, and private sector co-investment is required. Companies undergo a rigorous due diligence and selection process, and are evaluated on long-term competitiveness, strong IP, unique value proposition, and capacity to scale. To date, OCI has invested in 200+ companies. 

Our investments drive Canadian business development, economic growth, and scalable impact across a variety of technology sectors. 

Best suited for:

  • Intellectual Property from an Ontario-based academic institution or part of a Campus Incubator/accelerator at Academic Institutes (Companies with their team /IP origins at a university (“university spin-out”), college or research hospital are also eligible, even if not campus affiliated.) 
  • Incorporated for no more than five years (Ontario or Canadian for-profit incorporation) and have principal operations in Ontario. 
  • Companies that have raised less than $1 million in third-party capital are eligible for their first R4M investment. 
  • OCI supports early-stage companies that are raising pre-seed and seed investments (total round sizes range from $500,000 to $2 million). 

Interest Form

Express your interest and see if Ready 4 Market is right for your business.

Fund Guidelines

Learn about eligibility, investment criteria, and more.

Contact an Investment Lead

Mandhir Kalia
Investment Lead
For more information: oci-portforlio(at)oc-innovation(dot)ca

Sharon Sukhdeo
Program Manager
For more information: oci-portforlio(at)oc-innovation(dot)ca

Note: OCI Ready for Market (R4M) Portfolio companies are not eligible for investment via the Life Sciences Innovation Fund (LSIF).

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Other OCI Programs

TalentEdge Internship Program (TIP) – NGNP

The TalentEdge Internship Program (TIP) stream of the Next Generation Network Program (NGNP) provides support for current college and university students and recent undergraduate or Masters graduates, to work on industry-driven research and development projects related to Next Generation Network (NGN) technologies at Ontario-based SMEs using the Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN) platform. 

Digitalization Competence Centre

Digitalization is redefining the future for companies. It is a critical factor in the success and growth of Ontario’s companies, enabling them to release products to the market faster and reach the right customers, all while offering a near perfect experience. Through DCC, Ontario is placing its SMEs at the forefront of digital transformation, supporting them to adapt and thrive from this digital evolution.

Collaborate 2 Commercialize

Collaborate 2 Commercialize supports the collaboration between Academia and Industry to solve an industry-based problem and drive the commercialization of Intellectual Property.

Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)

The Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) builds upon Ontario’s position as a world-leading automotive manufacturing and supply jurisdiction in addition to the large cluster of information and communication technology companies operating in the province. 

Life Sciences Innovation Fund

The Life Sciences Innovation Fund (LSIF) is an early-stage co-investment fund that supports companies in Life Sciences and Healthcare Technologies sectors related to human health.  

Registration for DiscoveryX 2025 is now open!